Excitation functions for the Fe56(α, pxn) reactions (x=1 to 4) have been calculated with the statistical theory of nuclear reactions, using optical-model transmission coefficients for neutrons, protons, and α particles and a level density of the form ρ(E, J)(2J+1)ρ(EErot), where Erot=J(J+1)22IrigR. Here Irig is the rigid-body moment of inertia, and the dimensionless parameter R was taken in different calculations as 1 or . Where a rigid body moment of inertia was used, two assumptions were made concerning γ-ray de-excitation: It was assumed that (a) there was no γ-ray competition if the excitation energy exceeded the minimum nucleon binding energy, or (b) there was no γ-ray competition if the excitation exceeded the binding energy plus rotational energy for each spin. Of the three sets of calculations, the latter set gave the best over-all agreement with experimental (α, pn) and (α, p2n) excitation functions. Calculations were also performed for the Ti48(C12, pxn) excitation functions (where Ti48+C12 forms the same compound nucleus as Fe56+α), where x=1 to 4, with R=1.0, and assumption (b) concerning γ-ray-nucleon emission competition. It is concluded that excitation-function measurements to test the influence of angular momentum on the independence hypothesis should show observable differences in shape and energy dependence, but that a good knowledge of E and dEdX for the heavy ion is required if one is to be confident of the interpretation of the results. The influence of γ-ray competition based on assumption (b) is considered as a function of mass number of the compound nucleus; the qualitative differences expected for actual excitation functions with respect to the predictions of the Weisskopf-Ewing evaporation model with no γ-ray competition should decrease with an increase in mass number. Specifically, excitation functions from lower-mass compound nuclei should be broader, should be displaced to higher energies, and should have more pronounced high-energy tails than those from heavier-mass systems.