Conduct problem behavior: Standardization of a behavioral rating

This paper presents adolescent standardization data for a brief behavioral inventory of conduct problem behaviors. The 36‐item Eyberg Child Behavior Inventory (ECBI) was completed by parents of 13 through 16 year olds from samples of conduct‐problem and non‐conduct‐problem adolescents. Results indicate the ECBI is a reliable instrument for use with adolescents. Factor analysis suggests the ECBI is a unidimensional measure of the conduct problem construct. Preliminary validation data suggest the usefulness of the ECBI in discriminating between normal and conduct‐problem adolescents. Analyses show no differences due to age or sex of the adolescent or differences due to the sex of the parent completing the inventory, and no differences between high/and low‐socioeconomic groups. Results from the normative samples provide data on the non‐conduct‐problem adolescent as a guideline in defining reasonable therapeutic goals. The ECBI has previously been shown to provide a psychometrically sound instrument for use with children, and the present results extend, these findings to adolescents, suggesting the ECBI can be a valuable adjunct to self‐report, projective, and observational techniques in the multimethod assessment of conduct‐problem adolescents.