Semantic elaboration and the method of loci: A new trip for older learners

The present study examined the effectiveness of two variations of a list learning mnemonic, the method of loci, on the recall of elderly subjects. In the Loci Only group (n = 20) subjects were instructed in the standard mnemonic and taught how to produce visual images associating each item to be remembered with one of several familiar locations. A second group, the Loci + Judgment condition (n = 17), received identical instructions except that they were taught, in addition, to make a personal judgment of the pleasantness of each visual image association. As predicted, subjects in the Loci Plus Judgment group showed greater improvement in their recall following instruction in the mnemonic. These results point to the importance of nonredundant forms of stimulus elaboration as a means of enhancing the accessibility of visual images and the effectiveness of visual mnemonic techniques.