Angular Distribution and Excitation Function of the Singlet Deuteron in thed(p,đ)pReaction

The d(p,pn)p reaction has been studied to determine the d(p,đ)p angular distribution and excitation function for the proton bombarding energy range 7 to 17 MeV. Protons and neutrons were detected in coincidence at the same angle to enhance the detection of d(p,đ)p events. The spectra were fitted using the density-of-states function of Phillips, Griffy, and Biedenharn for the singlet deuteron, and a flat background arising from reactions other than d(p,đ)p. Angular distributions were taken at 7, 8, 10, 12, 13.5, 15, and 17 MeV. There was forward peaking at all energies, contrary to calculations on the doublet state in nd scattering by Aaron, Amado, and Yam. The excitation function shows little structure between 7 and 17 MeV.