The weakest sensation produced by 4 kinds of electrical stimulation in human teeth was painless (prepain sensation). The properties of the prepain sensation were studied with the following results Latent addition by subthreshold stimulation did not exist. Clear accommodation existed in 3 of 5 men; the accommodation constant varied from 6-50 milliseconds (msec). The optimum cycle range for stimulating the teeth was from 30-60 cycles/sec. tested by sine curve A. C. ranged from 10 cps - 20 kilocycles/sec. The reaction time was 200.9 [plus or minus] 4.4msec. (932 cases) when maxillary central incisor was stimulated. There were no differences in reaction time of right and left maxillary, central incisors. The reaction time shortened in proportion to the logarithm of stimulating strength. The fusion time when the tooth was stimulated by square pulse currents was about 26 msec. when the subject looked at spot light of decatron. With closed eyes the fusion time increased to 104 msec.