Cautery-Wire/Balloon Catheter for Fluoroscopically Guided Incision of Ureteral Strictures: A Phase I Study in Pigs

The Applied Urology cautery-wire/balloon catheter was used under fluoroscopy (three cases) or direct vision (two cases) to incise ureteral strictures (1.0–2.0 cm) created in pigs. Stents were used postoperatively. In three animals, hydronephrosis was relieved and the results of pressure–flow studies were normal 3 to 4 months postprocedure. The other animals have Grade I hydronephrosis in solitary kidneys 1 to 2 months after treatment, but serum creatinine concentrations are normal. The device has also been used in one patient, with short-term success. The cautery-wire/balloon catheter would seem to offer great potential for managing strictures without ureteroscopy.