Phagocytosis of collagen by fibroblasts incident to experimental tooth movement.

The upper molars of adult Wistar rats were moved lingually by a wire spring for 5 and 9 days. Collagen-containing fibroblasts in the pressure zone caused by the tooth movement were investigated morphologically (forms characterized by type A and type B compartments) and cytochemically (location of acid and alkaline phosphatase activity). The distribution of collagen-containing fibroblasts with type A or type B compartments could not be distinguished clearly in either 5- or 9-day specimens. Acid phosphatase activity was recognized in the Golgi apparatus, lysosomes and elliptical bodies associated with type B compartments. Alkaline phosphatase activity was positive in the plasma membrane of collagen-containing profiles and in intracellular and extracellular collagen fibrils. Fibroblasts evidently are capable of phagocytosing collagen fibrils in all areas of the cytoplasmic membrane; digestion of collagen fibrils in fibroblasts may be associated with acid and alkaline phosphatase.