Response rate of malignant melanoma to large fraction irradiation

Published reports on the response of melanoma to radiotherapy suggest fraction size as being important in determining the response rate (Habermalz & Fischer, 1976; Hornsey, 1978; Sealy et al, 1974; Overgaard, 1980) although this has recently been disputed (Lobo et al, 1981; Trott et al, 1981). In 1978 it was decided to treat patients referred for palliation of malignant melanoma with a radiotherapy regime which utilized a fraction size of 600 cGy (rad) or over. A basic regime of 3000–3600 cGy (rad) in 5–6 fractions given weekly was used, with the insertion of treatment gaps if indicated to minimize acute side effects. If small volumes were treated, larger doses were given or overall time reduced. This schedule was selected as one which was likely to be tolerated using CRE estimations, (Kirk et al, 1971).