Prepubertal Yolk Sac Testicular Tumors - Report of the Testicular Tumor Registry

In 1980 the Section on Urology of the American Academy of Pediatrics established a registry of prepubertal testicular tumors. A total of 181 yolk sac tumors has been reported to the registry. Complete followup is available for 154 of these 181 patients. Most of the patients presented with low stage disease. Radical orchiectomy without adjunctive retroperitoneal lymphadenectomy, chemotherapy or radiotherapy was sufficient therapy for most stage 1 cancer patients. alpha-Fetoprotein is a reliable marker for this tumor. Chest x-rays and abdominal computerized tomography are reliable for staging. When metastases appeared they did so within 14 months of presentation so that 2 years of followup after any evidence of disease seems to be adequate. Approximately two-thirds of the patients with metastases were salvaged by chemotherapy, radiotherapy and/or an operation.