Germinal Testicular Tumors in Childhood

Case observations [1124] published from 1955-1981, and 45 of current cases of childhood testicular tumor are evaluated. The age distribution, histology (WHO classification), stage and prognosis are compared to adult cases. Diagnostic procedures are itemized. Priorities in the therapeutic approach and the effectiveness of various methods, depending on stage and histology, and toxic side effects and other complications are documented. In children, 29% of childhood testicular tumors are nongerminal, as compared to 8% in adults, 49% are yolk sac tumors. The age distribution differs depending on histology. Metastases occur less frequently (9%) than in adults (61%). Dissemination is predominantly hematogenic. Prognosis is best in teratoma which is cured by orchiectomy. Yolk sac tumor limited to the testicle, in infants < 2 yr old, is sufficiently treated with orchiectomy alone. Older children require adjuvant chemotherapy. Chemotherapy was indicated in 15% of the evaluated cases of childhood testicular malignoma.