Plasma confinement in JET H mode plasmas with H, D, DT and T isotopes

The scaling of the energy confinement in H mode plasmas with different hydrogenic isotopes (hydrogen, deuterium, DT and tritium) is investigated in JET. For ELM-free H modes the thermal energy confinement time τth is found to decrease weakly with the isotope mass (τth ~M-0.25±0.22), whilst in ELMy H modes the energy confinement time shows practically no mass dependence (τth ~M0.03±0.1). Detailed local transport analysis of the ELMy H mode plasmas reveals that the confinement in the edge region increases strongly with the isotope mass, whereas the confinement in the core region decreases with mass (τthcore ∝ M-0.16), in approximate agreement with theoretical models of the gyro-Bohm type (τgB ~M-0.2).