Energy confinement properties of H-mode discharges in the DIII-D tokamak

Neutral beam heated DIII-D expanded boundary divertor discharges have exhibited ASDEX-like H-mode behaviour over a wide parameter range. The deuterium H-mode energy confinement of 120 ms remained near the Ohmic value for up to 6 MW of neutral beam heating, where it was 2-2.5 times higher than the L-mode value at a plasma current of 1 MA. The hydrogen and helium H-mode energy confinement times were similar and substantially below the deuterium H-mode confinement time. The H-mode confinement times decreased with increasing neutral beam power and were only 30% better than the L-mode confinement times at 5 MW. In an H-mode with a mixture of hydrogen and deuterium ([H]/[H+D] 40%), the confinement time was in between the values obtained in the pure hydrogen and deuterium cases, increased linearly with plasma current for q95 > 3.2, and decreased with increasing neutral beam power. The confinement quality in these plasmas was 85 ms per MA at a heating power of 5.6 MW. The lower energy confinement in the non-deuterium H-modes and the degradation of energy confinement with neutral beam power were both accompanied by an increase in the edge localized mode (ELM) amplitude and frequency. The changing ELM characteristics make a determination of the intrinsic isotopic and neutral beam effect on confinement difficult. For values of BT < 0.9 T and q95 < 3, the confinement quality in the deuterium and hydrogen/deuterium H-modes deteriorated to values near the L-mode level. This deterioration in energy confinement was not related to operation at high beta but instead appears to be due to a combined action between sawteeth and ELMs that becomes more pronounced at low q and low BT. L-mode energy confinement was independent of ion species and in good agreement with Kaye-Goldston scaling. Odajima-Shimomura scaling disagreed with the present L-mode τE data in terms of isotopic mass dependence; their prediction for the hydrogen L-mode exceeds the present measurements by a factor of two.