Beta-Interferon-Induced Time-Dependent Changes in the Plasma Membrane Lipid Bilayer of Cultured Cells

The time-dependent interferon-induced structural changes in the plasma membrane lipid bilayer have been investigated in cultured cells using spin label electron spin resonance techniques. Treatment of human HeLa-S3 cells in suspension culture with human β1 interferon (640 u/ml) for as short a time as 30 min causes an increase in the rigidity of the plasma membrane lipid bilayer (Landsberger, Pfeffer and Tamm, in preparation). The plasma membrane rigidity of interferon-treated cells returns to the level of control cells within 3 to 5 hr, but by 24 hr after beginning of treatment, the rigidity of the plasma membrane is increased again and remains so for at least 2 days. Mouse β interferon causes both an early (Landsberger, Pfeffer and Tamm, in preparation) and a late increase in membrane rigidity in homologous mouse L-929 cells, but not in heterologous HeLa-S3 cells. Thus, the interferon-induced perturbation of membrane structure is species specific. The late increase in membrane rigidity may have a different underlying mechanism from that of the early increase. While the early and transient change probably is related to signal generation and transmission, the later and persistent change may be an aspect of the phenotype of interferon-treated cells and may reflect changes in the plasma membrane-cytoskeletal complex.