To determine the effect of streptokinase on the ischemic myocardium independent of its effects on the occluding thrombus, the isolated rabbit heart, perfused with Krebs-Henseleit solution, was subjected to a 45-min period of ischemia—83% reduction in myocardial (perfusion) flow—plus anoxia (95% N2 and 5% CO2), followed by restoration of perfusion and reoxygenation. Streptokinase, 75 or 150 IU/min, was infused starting 15 min before reperfusion and continuing for 30 min after reperfusion. Compared with the control group, streptokinase was associated during reperfusion with a significant dose-dependent greater restoration or smaller depression of ventricular function, dP/dt, and developed pressure. To determine if streptokinase effects were mediated during the ischemic or reperfusion phase, the high streptokinase dose was administered in either the last 30 min of the ischemia or the first 30 min of reperfusion. The improvement in recovery of left ventricular function was primarily in the group having streptokinase administered only during the ischemic period. Thus, streptokinase affects the ischemic myocardium so that there is an acceleration in the recovery of ventricular function or a reduction of the impairment in ventricular function during myocardial reperfusion.