Gabapentin for Relief of Neuropathic Pain Related to Anticancer Treatment: A Preliminary Study

The aim of our study was to explore a potential analgesic effect of gabapentin in patients with neuropathic pain caused by anticancer treatment. A total of 23 outpatients without active disease and with chronic, treatment-related pain were included in this single-center, open-label, exploratory, non-controlled study. The primary end-points were pain intensity and pain relief following a 4-week treatment period. A total of 15 patients (65%) completed the study, 5 (22%) discontinued the study due to treatment failure and 3 (13%) due to toxicity. More than 50% reduction in pain intensity was obtained in 11 of 23 patients (48%, 95% CI 30-66%). Pain relief increased from 8.33% ( +/-13.64) to 66.58% ( +/-18.35) (p <0.01). Somnolence, mental clouding, and headache were the most frequently reported adverse events. We concluded that gabapentin should be accepted for further investigation in this important setting of supportive care.