The nonrelativistic augmented-plane-wave (APW) method is applied to calculate the electronic band structures of several transition-metal-dichalcogenide (TX2) layer compounds, including materials with the C6(1THfS2,1TTaS2), C27(2HTaS2,2HNbSe2), and C7(2HMoS2) structure types. These calculations involve crystal potentials that are derived from neutral-atom charge densities. The results of these calculations confirm that the group-IVB (1THfS2) and group-VIB (2HMoS2) compounds are semiconductors; the calculated indirect band gaps of 2.7 and 1.2 eV are in reasonable agreement with the observed values of 2.0 and 1.4 eV, respectively. Metallic behavior is predicted for the intermediate group-VB compounds 1TTaS2, 2HTaS2, and 2HNbSe2. A novel feature of the metal d bands in the 2HTX2 compounds is the occurence of a 1-eV hybridization gap within the dz2 and dxy, dx2y2 manifolds. This splits off a pair of hybridized d bands which are half-filled in 2HTaS2 and 2HNbSe2 and completely filled in 2HMoS2. As a result of this hybridization gap, the valence or conduction bandwidths in each of these 2HTX2 compounds are reduced to about 1 eV.