High-Frequency Sound Propagation near Magnetic Phase Transitions

The results of ultrasonic attenuation and velocity experiments near the magnetic phase transitions in RbMnF3 and MnF2 are presented. For T>TN, the data give additional evidence that the sound couples to the spin-energy-density fluctuations which decay via spin-lattice relaxation. The attenuation results for RbMnF3 could be fitted with a single relaxation formula for the frequency range 90-930 MHz and for the temperature range of ε[=(TTN)TN] from 104 to 102. The spin-lattice relaxation time τL was found to vary from 4×1010 to 2×1010 sec in the same ε range. Furthermore, both the critical attenuation and velocity changes are independent of sound-wave propagation direction. In MnF2, we found from the critical velocity dispersion a constant relaxation time τL=(2.7±0.2)×109 sec for ε103, in good agreement with Kawasaki and Ikushima's quoted value. A small divergence was found for smaller ε. For T<TN, it was found that the maxima of the attenuation and the minima of the velocity shifted to lower temperatures with increasing frequency in RbMnF3. In addition, in RbMnF3, a second attenuation peak was found below TN which shifted to lower temperatures with increasing frequency. This subsidiary attenuation peak was found to be strongly sample dependent. In MnF2, broad attenuation maxima and velocity minima are observed in the ordered region. Possible mechanisms for these effects are discussed.