Numerical Changes in the Various Peripheral White Blood Cells in Children as a Result of Antineoplastic Therapy

The effects of various cytostatic drug regimens on the numbers of the individual white-cell types were studied retrospectively. 131 children with solid tumors were classified into six groups according to the type of tumor. All children within the same group received similar treatment. Differential counts were performed manually, as well as with the Hemalog D. The number of lymphocytes usually decreased rapidly after initial treatment and remained at the low level throughout the period of therapy. In the majority of the children the lymphocyte count became normal between 1 and 12 months after cessation of therapy. In contrast, granulocyte and monocyte counts were not affected in some children, whereas in other children the numbers of these cell types decreased. When there was a decrease in number, the number was soon restored and, in nearly all children, before the end of therapy.