Net radiation and transpiration of apple trees in rows
- 1 January 1978
- journal article
- research article
- Published by Elsevier in Agricultural Meteorology
- Vol. 19 (1) , 41-57
No abstract availableThis publication has 14 references indexed in Scilit:
- Studies on the Movement of Water Through Apple TreesJournal of Experimental Botany, 1976
- Interception of Diffuse and Direct-beam Radiation by a Hedgerow Apple OrchardAnnals of Botany, 1976
- Estimation of the transpiration rate in an apple orchard from net radiation and vapour pressure deficit measurementsAgricultural Meteorology, 1976
- Diurnal Energy, Water and CO 2 Exchanges in an Apple (Malus pumila) OrchardJournal of Applied Ecology, 1975
- Apple bud and blossom temperaturesJournal of Horticultural Science, 1974
- Surface exchange characteristics of leaves subject to mutual interferenceAgricultural Meteorology, 1973
- Microclimate in an Apple OrchardJournal of Applied Ecology, 1973
- Net radiation frequency distribution in a corn cropBoundary-Layer Meteorology, 1972
- Stand Structure and Light Penetration. II. A Theoretical AnalysisJournal of Applied Ecology, 1966
- Direct Measurement of Radiative Heat Exchange of the Human BodyNature, 1964