Does Resveratrol Prevent Free Radical-induced Acute Pancreatitis?

The purpose of this study was to examine protective and antioxidative effect of stilbene derivatives, resveratrol and diethylstilbestrol, in experimental acute pancreatitis (EAP). EAP was induced in male Wistar rats by retrograde injection of tert-butyl hydroperoxide (ButOOH) solution, a well-known prooxidant agent, into the common bile pancreatic duct. After a 3-hour observation, the animals were killed. Blood samples were collected. Each pancreas was removed and weighed. Tissue samples were taken for microscopic studies. The carbonyl and sulfhydryl (SH) group levels were estimated in the homogenate. Examination using light microscopy revealed morphologic changes in pancreata removed from EAP rats, namely focal edema, acinar cell vacuolization, and focal necrosis of pancreatic acini. The electron microscopic analysis also showed changes in their subcellular structures: dilated cisternae of the rough endoplasmic reticulum, swollen mitochondria, and "debris" of mitochondrial cristae. These changes corresponded with higher activities of serum amylase and tissue carbonyl groups levels and decreased SH group level compared with controls. Changes in pancreata were much less pronounced in the rats that received resveratrol or diethylstilbestrol for 8 days prior to ButOOH injection. Stilbene derivatives prevent pancreatic cells from structural changes during ButOOH-induced acute pancreatitis.