Mass spectrometric analysis of metabolite excretion in five Japanese patients with the late-onset form of glutaric aciduria type II

The variability of clinical and biochemical features in five Japanese patients with the late‐onset form of glutaric aciduria type II (GAII) was studied using mass spectrometric procedures. The age at onset ranged from 5 months to five years, presenting acute episodes such as lethargy, hypotonia, hyperammonaemia, hypoglycaemia or Reye's syndrome‐like illness, while one of the five cases was asymptomatic at 1 year of age. Organic acid analysis as oxime‐trimethylsilyl derivatives by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry revealed the presence of several abnormalities characteristic of GAII in clinically asymptomatic conditions of three patients but not of the two others. Quantitative acylglycine analysis using a stable isotope dilution method and qualitative acylcarnitine analysis by fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry provided diagnostic information in all five patients, regardless of their clinical conditions. However, significant differences in the respective metabolite profiles as well as in their clinical pictures were noted. Although an increased excretion of both isovalerylglycine and isovalerylcarnitine was found in four patients, the fifth showed normal isovalerylglycine excretion during both the acute stage and in remission, despite the increased amount of isovalerylcarnitine in urine. From these results, it was suggested that the variations in clinical severity and metabolite excretion among GAII patients may be attributed not only to the residual enzyme activity at the defective site but also to differences in the capability to conjugate accumulated acylcoenzyme A.