Residual Toxicity of Acaricides to Three Beneficial Species on California Citrus

Impacts of field-weathered residues of nine acaricides (amitraz, avermectin + oil, chlorobenzilate + oil, cyhexatin, dicofol, fenbutatin-oxide, oil, oxythioquinox, and propargite) on survival of selected beneficial arthropods of citrus (Aphytis melinus DeBach, Cryptolaemus montrouzieri Mulsant, and Euseius stipulatus Athias-Henriot) were evaluated in two field trials. Concurrent with bioassays, foliar residue analyses were performed and were correlated with mortality. With the exception of moderate (causing oxythioquinox > cyhexatin > chlorobenzilate + oil > propargite (least persistently toxic).