Electron capture luminescence in GaP:O revisited

Recent ODMR observations (1979) of triplet resonances in GaP:O have highlighted the controversy over the interpretation of the 0.841 eV emission in this material. The authors have carried out a set of Zeeman and uniaxial stress experiments on the no-phonon line, together with high-resolution isotope shift measurements that clearly show that this emission is the capture luminescence for the one-electron oxygen centre as originally suggested by Dean and Henry (1968). The origin of the ODMR results has been assigned to a spin-dependent Auger dissociation of the two-electron O- centre where one electron recombines with a hole on an acceptor and the remaining oxygen donor is left in the 1s(E) excited state. They also report new luminescence lines near 0.52 eV which may be O-related.