Application of a Tri-Enzyme Extraction for Total Folate Determination in Foods

A tri-enzyme digestion procedure using chicken pancreas conjugase, a-amylase, and Pronase® was evaluated to determine Its usefulness In the microbiological quantitation of total folate In foods. Folate values obtained by traditional conjugase digestion were compared to those obtained by the tri-enzyme method for 12 food products that represent diverse matrixes. The tri-enzyme treatment Increased measurable folate from most foods when compared to levels found after conjugase digestion. Largest Increases were noted for tuna fish (51%) and yogurt (33%) after tri-enzyme digestion. For the 12 foods, a mean increase of 19% In measurable folate was obtained with tri-enzyme treatment. The study shows that traditional conjugase treatment does not completely free folate from complex food matrixes before microbiological analysis. Further, as other Investigations have suggested, current accepted methods for folate analysis may be underestimating folate levels In foods

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