Chromosome anomalies in 136 couples with a history of recurrent abortions

Cytogenetic studies were performed on 136 couples with a history of two or more abortions referred to us after gynaecological causes of the abortions had been excluded. Fifteen (11%) of the couples were found to have a chromosome anomaly, and when the couples were subdivided according to number of abortions, surprisingly 6 (10%) of the 59 couples with a history of only two abortions had a chromosome anomaly. An increased frequency of mosaicism for X-chromosome aneuploidy (2.2%) in the women from the 136 couples was also found. A review of the literature shows that translocations of some chromosomes (e.g. nos. 1,7 or 22) preferentially lead to fetal wastage, while those involving, for example, chromosome nos. 5, 9, 14 or 21 are more likely to result in the birth of a handicapped child. Couples with a history of two abortions should be investigated cytogenetically. Other causes of miscarriages must, however, be excluded first.