ACTH Stimulation of Aldosterone Secretion in Normal Subjects and in Patients with Chronic Adrenocortical Insufficiency1

Aldosterone secretion was measured in normal subjects under conditions of high and low salt intake prior to and during 2 days of maximal and continuous ACTH stimulation. For comparison, patients with chronic adrenocortical insufficiency were also studied. The data show that in normal subjects ACTH is a potent stimulus to aldosterone secretion. In contrast to its effect on cortisol, however, ACTH stimulation of aldosterone is self limiting in nature in that, with continued ACTH administration, aldosterone secretion fell sharply in all subjects. Salt restriction resulted in an increase in aldosterone secretion, and augmented the response to ACTH stimulation. Secretion of aldosterone in the patients with chronic adrenocortical insufficiency was low despite ACTH stimulation.