Shubnikov-de Haas Effect in Bismuth

The oscillatory component of the transverse magnetoresistance of single crystals of bismuth has been measured at 1.15°K. The magnetic field range was 700 to 23 000 G. Measurements were taken in the three principal planes. The experimental results may be explained on the basis of two sets of carriers. No evidence was found for the third and fourth carriers reported recently. For holes we find β112=75.4×10+28(EFh)2 erg2, β11β33=7.25×10+28(EFh)2 erg2; for electrons, α11α33=23.3×1030(EFe)2 erg2, and the tilt angle is 4°. Here EF is the Fermi energy measured in ergs. The effects of spin splitting of hole Landau levels is observed at 70° from the z axis, from which we find g362 (assuming g1g3).