Optical-absorption coefficient ofIn1xGaxAs/InP

Optical-absorption coefficient data are presented over the 0.71.5-eV spectral range (8251750 nm) for In1x GaxAs/InP; both at the lattice-matched condition x=0.47 and for the 0.45<x<0.51 composition range. Absorption data for such epilayers are compared at 10, 77, and 300 K. This comparison involves numerous epilayers grown by organometallic vapor-phase epitaxy, a lattice-matched layer grown by molecular-beam epitaxy, and published data for In1x GaxAs grown by liquid-phase epitaxy. It is demonstrated that these growth techniques yield material with equivalent absorption characteristics. For all compositions, the absorption coefficient α(hν) rises abruptly to near 6000 cm1 at the band gap, and increases more gradually to 30 000 cm1 at 1.5 eV. For energies above 1.3 eV, all the In1x GaxAs epilayers studied here show essentially the same absorption characteristics, regardless of composition or temperature.