Wachstumskinetik einer thiaminbedürftigenCandida lipolytica bei Thiaminlimitation: Auftreten einer linearen Wachstumsphase

The growth kinetics of batch cultures of the thiamine requiring Candida lipolytica 695 was investigated. It was established that a phase of logarithmic growth is followed by a linear growth phase. The time length of the linear phase and the relative increasing of the biomass during the linear phase are nearly constant and independend of the concentration of thiamine. The existence of the linear phase is discussed in connection with a constant activity of one of the two 2-ketoacid dehydrogenases as a bottle neck enzyme which needs thiamine pyrophosphate as coenzyme. Critical intracellular thiamine concentrations were calculated necessary for transition from the logarithmic to the linear phase and from the logarithmic to the stationary growth phase. Without the existence of the second critical thiamine concentration the linear growth would continue infinitely.