Effect of Sperm Age on Embryo Survival in Swine

One hundred ninety-two sows were randomly assigned to be inseminated with semen that had been stored for 6 or 54 hours after collection from four boars. The conception rate for 96 sows slaughtered at 3 days was not significantly affected by sperm age or boar. The fertilization rate was significantly lower when older sperm were used and a significant interaction occurred between sperm age and boars. The 3-day spontaneous ova cleavage rate was zero for 12 randomly selected unmated sows. For 96 sows slaughtered at the 25th day of pregnancy, the percent of pregnant animals and the percent of corpora lutea represented as embryos as well as embryo survival were significantly influenced by sperm age and by boar. The number of sperm in the zona pellucida of 3-day cleaved eggs was significantly affected by sperm age and by boars.