Phosphoinositides. 5. The inositol lipids of ox brain

The "diphosphoinositide" fraction was prepared from ox brain by the method of Folch (1949) and hydrolysed under mild alkaline conditions. The hydrolysis products were separated by ion-exchange chro-matography and analysed. The major hydrolysis product was glyceryl-phosphorylinositol diphosphate. Glycerylphosphorylinositol monophos-phate and glycerylphosphorylinositol were also present. It is concluded that ox brain containes 3 phosphoinositides phosphatidylinositol, diphosphoinositide [l-phosphatidyl(inositol 4-phosphate)] and triphospho-inositide [1-phosphatidyl(inositol 4,5-diphosphate)]. Inositol di-and tri-phosphate were also found in hydrolysates of the Folch "diphosphoinositide" fraction. The free diphosphates occur in ox brain. The triphosphate may come from a new type of phosphoinositide.