Five rare-earth nuclei were oriented in neodymium ethyl sulfate and/or cerium magnesium nitrate lattices at very low temperatures, by utilizing the amplification of the crystal-field gradient (by a factor of ∼102) provided by Sternheimer antishielding. The following quadrupole coupling constants P were obtained in the ethylsulfate lattice (units of 105 cm1): La140, -1.42(12); Eu154, -41.7(28); Gd159, -144(5); Lu177, -67(3); Lu177m, -13.0(12); and in the double nitrate lattice: La140, +1.10(16); Eu154, +1.5(1). The quadrupole moment for La140 was found to be +0.127 (13) b. The ratio of Q(Lu177m)Q(Lu177) is +2.33(25). The 815-keV γ ray in Ce140 has δ(E2M1)=0.11(5), if taken last in cascade. The signs and magnitudes of (gKgR) for the 72[514] band and the 92+[624] band in Hf177 were determined. Of special interest is the retention of nuclear orientation through the ∼1-sec isomeric states in Hf177.