Adaptive Neural Network Control for a Class of MIMO Nonlinear Systems With Disturbances in Discrete-Time

In this paper, adaptive neural network (NN) control is investigated for a class of multiinput and multioutput (MIMO) nonlinear systems with unknown bounded disturbances in discrete-time domain. The MIMO system under study consists of several subsystems with each subsystem in strict feedback form. The inputs of the MIMO system are in triangular form. First, through a coordinate transformation, the MIMO system is transformed into a sequential decrease cascade form (SDCF). Then, by using high-order neural networks (HONN) as emulators of the desired controls, an effective neural network control scheme with adaptation laws is developed. Through embedded backstepping, stability of the closed-loop system is proved based on Lyapunov synthesis. The output tracking errors are guaranteed to converge to a residue whose size is adjustable. Simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed control scheme.