Upper Viséan Corals of the Genus Caninia

The present research forms part of the investigation that is being made into the structure, affinities, and distribution of the Upper Viséan Caninoid corals. The majority of the specimens were examined at the Department of Geology, University of Sheffield. I express my great indebtedness to Prof. W. G. Fearnsides for the facilities for research which have been provided and for the interest that he has shown in my work. For much help in photography, and in a great many other ways, I cordially thank my colleague Mr. W. H. Wilcockson. Mr. W. J. Rees has also assisted me in photographic work. Prof. S. H. Reynolds very kindly conducted me over the Avon section, and for other help in the field I tender my thanks to Prof. E. J. Garwood, Miss E. Goodyear, Dr. E. Neaverson, Mr. W. H. Wilcockson, and to my brother, Mr. C. C. Lewis, who has on several occasions assisted me to collect material in North Wales. The bulk of the material examined was the result of my own collecting. For material which has proved of much assistance I am indebted to Miss I. Balmforth, Prof. P. G. H. Boswell, Prof. W. G. Fearnsides, Prof. E. J. Garwood, Miss E. Goodyear, Dr. F. L. Kitchin and the Director of H.M. Geological Survey, Dr. W. D. Lang, Dr. E. Neaverson, Prof. S. H. Reynolds, Principal T. F. Sibly, Dr. Stanley Smith, Dr. F. S. Wallis, Mr. W. H. Wilcockson, Mr. H. Woods and the Sedgwick Museum, Sir Arthur