Coherent Production of theK−π+π−System inK−−dInteractions at 5.5 GeV/c

Kd interactions were studied at an incident momentum of 5.5 GeV/c in a 5-eV/μb exposure of the 30-in. deuterium bubble chamber at the Argonne Zero-Gradient Synchrotron. The dominant feature of the reaction KdKπ+πd is K¯*(890) production, although the low-mass enhancement, usually referred to as d*, is also prominent in the dπ mass spectrum. The low momentum transfer to the deuteron imposed by coherent production strongly favors a Kππ mass in the region of the Q enhancement. As is usually observed, the production and decay characteristics of the Kππ system are generally compatible with a 1+ spin-parity assignment. A study of the Kπ+ system reveals an s-wave-p-wave interference similar to that observed in Kπ scattering. The data are compared with the predictions of a double-Regge-pole model.