Properties ofK*(890)andK*(1400)Produced inKpInteractions at 4.1 and 5.5 GeV/c

The results presented in this paper were obtained from an analysis of Kp interactions in the 30-in. hydrogen bubble chamber at the Argonne ZGS using incident K beams of momenta 4.1 and 5.5 GeV/c. The K¯πN final states were studied extensively; the most prominent feature of these is production of the K*(890) and K*(1400) resonances. The K¯0ππ+n final state was used to measure the branching ratio of the decay of the K*(1400) into K*(890)π and Kρ. Evidence for quasi-two-body production of K*(890) and K*(1400) is presented both from the two-prong events in which the positive track was identified as a proton, and from events where the K¯0 decay was observed. For final states with a missing neutron, a study of the missing-mass distributions proved that the kinematical fits to Kπ+n and K¯0ππ+n final states could be used with confidence to study K*(890)0 and K*(1400)0 production. The K*(890)0, production angular distribution and decay correlations are analyzed in the framework of the absorptive peripheral model. Vector exchange dominates the K*(890) production, whereas K*(890)0 is formed mainly via pseudoscalar exchange. An absorptive-peripheral-model calculation using the vector-meson coupling strengths to the nucleon given by relativistic SU(6) gives a good fit to the K*(890)0, density-matrix elements as a function of production angle, and gives a reasonable fit to the differential cross section. For...