In bombarding thin beryllium targets with protons of energy 0.30 Mev to 3.0 Mev, gamma-ray resonances were observed at proton energies 0.975, 1.06, 1.13, 1.36, and 2.52 Mev and a neutron resonance at 2.52 Mev. For 1.04-Mev protons the value obtained for the gamma-ray energy was 7.5 Mev which indicates a radiative capture process. At the 2.52-Mev resonance the measured value of the energy of the gamma-rays was about 3.0 Mev. The most probable explanation of the observed resonance at 2.52 Mev appears to be that it is a resonance for the capture of a proton to form B10* which later disintegrates into (B9+n1) and also into (Li6*+He4) where Li6* emits 3-Mev gamma-radiation in returning to the ground state.