Quantum transition processes in deformation potential interacting systems using the equilibrium density projection technique

We study cyclotron resonance line shapes (CRLS) and cyclotron resonance linewidths widths (CRLW) of deformation potential semiconductors utilizing the equilibrium density projection technique. Recently, we obtained the cyclotron resonance line-shape formula of an electron-phonon interacting system [Phys. Rev. E 60, 66 538, (1999)]. Using this formula, we calculate numerically CRLS and CRLW. We analyze the temperature and magnetic-field dependence of CRLW in various cases. Our results agree with the experimental data obtained by H. Kobori [J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 59, 2141 (1990)]. Our results indicate that dominant quantum transition processes of deformation potential interacting systems are inter-Landau level transitions between the adjacent states and the effect of intra-Landau level transitions is weak. We show that most of the contribution to the total linewidth among inter-Landau level transitions comes from the transition between the excited state α=1 and β=0.