Autoradiography of Water-Soluble Materials in Plant Tissues

Samples of tissue with water-soluble substances are lyophilized and doubly-infiltrated with parlodion and paraffin. Sections are mounted on an adhesive-coated cover slip with chloroform. The reverse side of the cover slip is coated successively with a thin layer of Harleco resin and a thick layer of Kodak “Opaque”. A corner of the cover slip is broken off as a marker. The cover slip is assembled with a covering glass slide on a nuclear track plate (Kodak NTB-2) with protective coating, the section being in contact with the emulsion, and held in place during radioactive exposure. Before development, the cover slip and plate are exposed briefly to light and then disassembled. Following development of the plate and removal of the layer of resin and opaque from the cover slip, staining of the section is optional. Lining up of the section with its autoradiograph can be accurate within 1-5μ.