The Effect of Terazosin on Bladder Function in the Spinal Cord Injured Patient

We prospectively studied the effect of terazosin on bladder compliance in 12 spinal cord injured patients. All study patients had demonstrated previously poor compliance despite clean intermittent catheterization and maximum anticholinergic therapy. Patients were started on 5 mg. terazosin nightly for 4 weeks. They were evaluated with a history, physical examination, symptom score, and synchronous cystoscopy and cystometry before, during and after terazosin therapy. Detrusor compliance improved in all patients during the treatment phase. The change in bladder pressure and the safe bladder volume were statistically and clinically significant. Patients also reported fewer episodes of incontinence and dysreflexia. The improvement in compliance and continence suggests that in the spinal cord injured patient terazosin may have an effect on alpha receptors in the detrusor muscle or central effects and that improved compliance is not due to decreased outlet resistance.