High-efficiency GaAs-based pHEMT power amplifier technology for 1-18 GHz

Performance and reliability data for a high-efficiency microwave power amplifier design utilizing AlGaAs-InGaAs-GaAs pHEMTs are reported. A single stage MIC amplifier fabricated with a 5.6 mm gate width pHEMT resulted in P/sub out/=2.5 W and PAE=73% at 4 GHz. Twenty three amplifiers with similar performance were built with devices from 4 different wafer lots. Currently, these amplifiers are undergoing an RF lifetest and have shown no change thus far to the 2000 h point. This GaAs-based pHEMT device technology supports amplifier module designs in the 1-18 GHz frequency range with output powers up to 20 W.

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