The metabolism of cortisol in the liver of the rat was studied by intravenously administering 4-Cl4-cortisol and non-labeled cortisol and identifying the unconjugated metabolites in the organ. 3a:11[beta]:17a:20[beta]:21-Pentahydroxypregnane and 30:110:17a: 20[beta]:21-pentahydroxy-5a-pregnane were the 2 principal metabolites occurring in the liver, and they were estimated to account for 80-90% of the metabolites found. Small amounts of cortisol, 11[beta]:17a:20[beta]:21-tetrahydroxypregn-4-en-3-one, 3a:17a:20[beta]:21-tetrahydroxy-5a-pregnan-11-one and 2 tetrahydroxortisol-like compounds were also detected but the quantities were too small for definite identification. The results obtained in this study are compared with those obtained from liver-perfusion experiments, and the difference in the metabolites identified by the 2 techniques are discussed.