Fission-Fragment Energy-Correlation Measurements for the Thermal-Neutron Fission ofPu239andPu241

Fission-fragment mass and energy distributions and mass-versus-energy correlations have been obtained for Pu239 and Pu241 thermal-neutron-induced fission. Silicon surface-barrier detectors were used in energy-correlation measurements; absolute fragment energies were obtained by means of a recently developed mass-dependent energy calibration. Average total fragment kinetic energies before neutron emission are found to be 177.7±1.8 MeV for Pu239 and 179.6±1.8 MeV for Pu241. Detailed experimental results are given and compared with those of other experiments. Observed fine structure in the fragment mass distribution and in the average total fragment kinetic energy as a function of mass is correlated with the energetically preferred even-even nucleon configurations in the fragments. New determinations of the root-mean-square width of the total-kinetic-energy distribution as a function of fragment mass show structure which also appears to be correlated with the energetically preferred even-even fragment configurations. Fission neutron and gamma-ray data of other experiments are used with the new fragment kinetic energies presented here to examine the total energy balance for fission for the two cases studied. A comparison of the two mass distributions shows the heavy-fragment groups almost superimposed; the light-fragment groups are separated almost uniformly by 2 amu.