Parity violation in deuteron electrodisintegration near threshold with a (0.5–4.0) GeV electron beam

Making use of a formalism previously developed by Hwang, Henley, and Miller, we obtain numerical predictions for the electron scattering double differential cross section and the parity-violating asymmetry (caused by Z-boson exchange), both defined in the laboratory frame, for the kinematics suitable for the upcoming Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility. For the kinematic regime characterized by q2≤15 fm2 and Erel10 MeV with q2 and Erel, respectively, the four-momentum transfer squared and the n-p excitation energy, the asymmetry is of order 105104 while the cross section remains large, so that a precision test of the standard Glashow-Weinberg-Salam electroweak theory may be attempted. For the kinematic regime characterized by q2≥30 fm2 and Erel10 MeV, the asymmetry may be of order 103 so that one may attempt an experiment at backward scattering angles to extract interesting information regarding the large q2 behavior of the nucleon electromagnetic and weak form factors.