K‐space in the clinic

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) sequences are characterized by both radio frequency (RF) pulses and time‐varying gradient magnetic fields. The RF pulses manipulate the alignment of the resonant nuclei and thereby generate a measurable signal. The gradient fields spatially encode the signals so that those arising from one location in an excited slice of tissue may be distinguished from those arising in another location. These signals are collected and mapped into an array called k‐space that represents the spatial frequency content of the imaged object. Spatial frequencies indicate how rapidly an image feature changes over a given distance. It is the action of the gradient fields that determines where in the k‐space array each data point is located, with the order in which k‐space points are acquired being described by the k‐space trajectory. How signals are mapped into k‐space determines much of the spatial, temporal, and contrast resolution of the resulting images and scan duration. The objective of this article is to provide an understanding of k‐space as is needed to better understand basic research in MRI and to make well‐informed decisions about clinical protocols. Four major classes of trajectories—echo planar imaging (EPI), standard (non‐EPI) rectilinear, radial, and spiral—are explained. Parallel imaging techniques SMASH (simultaneous acquisition of spatial harmonics) and SENSE (sensitivity encoding) are also described. J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 2004;19:145–159. Published 2004 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.