Echo‐Time Reduction for Submillimeter Resolution Imaging with a 3D Phase Encode Time Reduced Acquisition Method

To achieve optimal image quality and highest spatial resolution for inner ear imaging with a 3D gradient echo sequence, it is necessary to minimize susceptibility dephasing effects by using very short TE. Fractional RF pulses and echoes can yield short TE for moderate spatial resolution; however, for voxel size of less than 1 mm, TE is limited by the phase encode gradients. We present a method to obtain very short effective TE by using short triangular shaped phase encode gradients to sample the central portions of k-space and progressively longer trapezoidal gradients for the outer portions of k-space. A 3D pulse sequence employing the modified phase encoding scheme for both in-plane and slice phase encoding directions was implemented and tested on phantoms and in vivo. The effective TE equals the minimal TE used for the central k-space portions. Submillimeter resolution (0.35 x 0.35 x 0.7 mm3) images of the inner ear were obtained with effective TE of 3.2 ms and were compared with standard 3D images with TE of 8 ms. With this pronounced TE reduction, the susceptibility artifacts at air/fluid interfaces are significantly reduced.