Hanlin, Richard T. (Georgia Experiment Station, Experiment.) Studies in the genus Nectria. II. Morphology of N. gliocladioides. Amer. Jour. Bot. 48(10): 900–908. Illus. 1961.—Swollen tips of vegetative hyphae develop into multicellular archicarps from which multinucleate ascogonia form. From basal cells of each archicarp arise hyphae which grow up into a prosenchymatous, true perithecial wall; around this wall is formed a thin pseudoparenchymatous stroma of compacted hyphae. The ascogonia give rise to ascogenous cells from which croziers and asci form directly. At the same time, an apical meristem forms cells that grow downward into the centrum. These are pseudoparaphyses. Asci grow up among the pseudoparaphyses, which deliquesce as the ascocarp matures. The ascus tip contains a thick ring with a pore and lateral thickening of the ascus wall. Ascospores are forcibly ejected. The chromosome number is 4. This species conforms to the Nectria Developmental Type of Luttrell.
Funding Information
  • National Science Foundation (G–10727)