Transumbilical Endoscopic Cholecystectomy With the Trichannel Trocar Technique: A Porcine Feasibility Study

The aim of this study is to verify the feasibility of another option: transumbilical endoscopic cholecystectomy by using the trichannel trocar technique. Eight domestic pigs were submitted to transumbilical endoscopic cholecystectomy by using the trichannel trocar technique. A fine grasper of 2 mm in diameter was inserted through a small skin incision on the right upper abdomen for grasping the gallbladders. The natural scar of the umbilicus was restored after extract of the specimen. All the gallbladders were removed successfully without severe bleeding during dissection, intraoperative, and postoperative complications. Postmortem examination revealed that the gallbladder fossa was clean, the clips on the cystic duct and artery were secure, and neither bile nor blood leakage was found at the operative field. The feasibility and safety of transumbilical endoscopic cholecystectomy are demonstrated by this study. It is possible to use this approach in patients with gallbladder diseases.