Observations on the Infectivity of Two Strains of Plasmodium vivax from Vietnamese Refugees to Aotus Monkeys and Anopheline Mosquitoes

Two strains of P. vivax (NAM and ONG) were isolated from Vietnamese refugees and established in splenectomized Aotus monkeys from Colombia and Bolivia. Mosquito infections were readily obtained from animals with no prior malarial experience or with a history of infection with P. falciparum only. Those animals with previous infections with P. vivax supported only low parasitemias, and the mosquito infections were minimal. Complete development of the sporogonic cycle was obtained with all species of mosquitoes tested. The most susceptible mosquito was Anopheles dirus. Other mosquitoes readily infected with these strains were A. culicifacies, A. maculatus, A. gambiae, A. stephensi, and the 2 North American species, A. freeborni and A. quadrimaculatus. Transmission from one monkey to another was obtained via the bites of infected A. dirus, A. stephensi, and A. maculatus mosquitoes.