Intraepithelial Neoplasia of the Larynx: A Clinicopathologic Study of Six Cases With DNA Analysis

• For six patients with partial or total laryngectomies with extensive mucosal hyperplasias, we generated DNA histograms from multiple mucosal sites using Feulgen-stained tissue sections and microspectrophotometric microscopy. Aneuploid DNA histograms were identified in the mucosa of all six specimens, indicating that neoplastic transformation had occurred. The histologic characteristics of neoplastic change included thickened or hyperplastic epithelium, surface maturation or keratinization, often a proliferation of small, immature basallike cells in the depths of the epithelium, and evidence of abnormal epithelial maturation as evidenced by focal areas of cytoplasmic keratinization in the lower portions of the mucosa. We think this histologic expression of intraepithelial neoplasia is more common than the "classic" form of carcinoma in situ with full mucosal replacement by proliferating immature basallike cells. Keratin is a common reaction in laryngeal mucosa, and its presence on the surface or in the depths of the epithelium does not militate against the diagnosis of severe intraepithelial neoplastic transformation. (Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1986;112:522-528)